Two bottles of aloe vera and a small bowl with aloe vera leaves.
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The Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Skin

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Although we’d all like to find “The fountain of Youth” aging is part of a natural process that we all have to face sooner or later. However, there are some things you can do to prevent and slow the visible effects it has on your skin. Often with the first glimpse of fine lines and wrinkles we hurry off to the nearest CVS or department store in search of the best anti-aging cream and discover how expensive most of these products are.

In 2021, we spent a staggering 60 billion U.S. dollars in the anti-aging industry. Nevertheless, there are several all natural alternatives you can try that won’t break the bank. One such product being aloe vera gel. But does it work? What are the benefits of aloe vera gel for skin? Is aloe vera gel good for wrinkles and anti-aging? In this article, we’ll answer all these questions and more so you can make an informed decision about whether to use this handy product in your own anti-aging routine.

What is Aloe Vera Gel?

Aloe Vera is a tropical plant that resembles a cactus but is actually a herb from the Asphodelaceae family. Its fleshy leaves contain a slimy tissue that stores water and is the “gel” associated with aloe vera products. It is normally grown in tropicalPieces of cut aloe vera with gel inside showing. regions such as the Caribbean, Latin America and South Africa.

Aloe Vera is one of the oldest and most famous plants, first being referenced as a gift to one of the deceased Egyptian pharaohs in which it became known as “the plant of mortality”. The Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra who believed she was a living goddess and Queen Nefertiti also used aloe in their beauty routines.

Today aloe vera is one of the most used herbs in the United States due to the wide variety of ailments its capable of treating.

Aloe Vera is loaded with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants that are often used to treat burns. Because aloe vera’s gel is naturally hydrating it’s able to sooth and repair sunburns, first degree burns and second degree burns. Due to these healing abilities research has been done to assess the use of aloe vera for other skin ailments and concerns.

Does Aloe Vera Work for Anti-aging?

While there is no denying the healing benefits of aloe vera to damaged skin, it’s still surrounded with controversy when accessing its anti-aging capabilities. The answer to “Does aloe vera work for anti-aging?” depends on who you ask… But don’t worry, I won’t leave you without the answer.

Several recent studies on aloe vera and its effectiveness in anti-aging and skin care have had positive results. However, most had a limited number of participants leaving scientists weary to confirm results without further research.

What deciphers if an anti-aging product is effective or not is the ingredients within.

Two of the active ingredients responsible for results in many OTC (over the counter) anti-aging products are antioxidants and vitamins. Aloe vera gel also contains high amounts of these natural antioxidants and vitamins. Therefore, most dermatologists agree aloe vera is highly beneficial for skin and is capable of similar anti-aging results.

The Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Skin

According to research aloe vera gel contains 160 significant ingredients. It also has more than 75 active enzymes, minerals and vitamins, making it a powerful antioxidant for skin. The top benefits of aloe vera gel for skin are;

  1. Moisturizes dry flaky skin Aloe vera gel is well-known as a natural moisturizer. Because aloe vera gel consists of 98% water, its extracts are extremely hydrating and easily absorbed by skin. Due to its mild texture, aloe vera has proven to be an effective moisturizer even for oily and acne prone skin.
  2. Soothes red irritated skin The cooling qualities of aloe vera gel can help calm irritated skin caused by sunburn, rash, infection, redness and itching. As a result, it is an excellent component for sensitive skin. Additionally, its anti-fungal characteristics aid in the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions such as heat boils and cysts.
  3. Treats Sunburn Applying fresh aloe vera gel to sunburned skin works wonders as a treatment. In just a few days, sunburn is relieved and soothed thanks to the numerous vitamins and nutrients in this gel as well as its incredibly relaxing qualities.
  4. Exfoliates dead skin cells Salicylic acid occurs naturally in aloe vera gel. This mild exfoliator helps unclog pores, eliminate dead skin cells, and stops acne from appearing.
  5. Treats age spots As you age, natural enzymes accumulate in your skin and lead to dark patches that are frequently linked to UV exposure. The use of aloe vera gel helps reduce these enzymes and prevent dark patches.
  6. Reduce dark eye circles and puffiness Dark eye circles and puffiness are two skin concerns that are difficult to treat. However, you can rely on aloe vera because it’s loaded with antioxidants and vitamin E, which reduce discoloration and puffiness around the eyes.
  7. Fights acne and blemishes Aloe vera can help prevent acne thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help decrease visible acne scars left behind.
  8. Prevent wrinkles and premature skin aging By stimulating the production of collagen in the deep layers of the epidermis, aloe vera has positive effects on your skin. Skin becomes stronger, more cohesive, and less prone to deeper wrinkles thanks to this collagen. Not only does it minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face, but it also delays the onset of premature aging of the skin by restoring skin cells and increasing skin suppleness.
  9. Treats eczema and psoriasis Aloe vera helps relieve the itchiness associated with dry eczema skin because of its moisturizing properties. It also helps relieve the inflammation associated with psoriasis.

How to Use Aloe Vera Gel for Skin

Now that you know aloe vera for anti-aging and wrinkles does work, I’m sure you’re eager to benefit from this miraculous plant yourself. There are basically three different ways you can easily incorporate aloe vera into your anti-aging beauty routine.

  • If you have an aloe vera plant, you can simply break off a leaf and squeeze the aloe vera gel out. Topically apply this gel as you would a lotion or serum. You can safely keep any extra aloe vera gel in the refrigerator for 10 days.
  • Perhaps you are “green thumb” handicapped as I am, in this case you can purchase 100% pure aloe vera gel at your local Walmart or CVS that’s already prepared and mess free. You can use this alone or add it to your favorite moisturizer or anti-aging product.
  • Last but not least you can simply purchase anti-aging skin care products that have aloe vera listed as an ingredient. This is a great way to benefit from it, as well as other anti-aging ingredients.

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